(Due to our wide finishing equipment experience, we pay special attention to delivering expendable materials, manufactured by American and European brands. World’s largest automotive manufacturers use expendables that we do deliver, direct from the manufacturer’s factory).
Our company delivers expendables, components and repair kits for every piece of equipment we offer, direct from manufacturers.
Media Engineering is the exclusive distributor of the world known Gramos Applied in Russia. Gramos Applied expendables for dust control, water treatment, protective coatings, surface cleaning, metal pre-treatment, paint removal, personal hand care – are used on VW, Audi, BMW, Jaguar, Landrover, Aston Martin, Fiat, Iveco, Toyota and Volvo factories all over the world. Using Gramos materials leads to both commercial advantage and time savings in the matter of industrial paintshop maintenance and equipment protection.
We also deliver air and material filters manufactured by Cezke Filtry and other European brands, direct from their factories. Filters we offer are used on many European factories, and already got positive recalls and recommendations from Russian manufacturers.
Our very own high quality nozzle and extruder production is to be launched within this year.