Media Engineering Ltd. was based in 2011 as a subsidiary company of Media Liberec Czech Republic (founded in 1992, an engineering company in the sphere of coating application technology) and General Engineering LLC (founded in 2004, the largest distributor of GRACO in Russia).

Our company combines the considerable experience, accumulated over many years in the automotive industry in the design, production and installation of paint shops of Media Libec and the enormous commercial experience of General Engineering.

All efforts of our company are aimed at:

  • the availability of modern automated technologies, individually designed to meet the requirements of the Customer in Russia;

  • engineering mind improving and constantly development our skills set to offer the best technical solutions to our Customers;

  • innovative technologies development;

  • maximum localization of the production process and use the modern technologies and approaches in Russia;

  • responsible and strong partnership between our company and our Customers ensures our Customers to get a benefit from the mostefficient, cost-effective and eco-friendly processes and systems on the market.


Cooperate d with our company you get a package of services: